Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And So The Journey Begins...

No words can describe the feelings that I had when Jason Fechner and Jennifer Lintz announced that I was Miss Muscatine's Outstanding Teen 2013 last weekend! I am still beyond excited to be representing my hometown for the next year, but more importantly, I'm excited to work. I'm excited to be spreading my platform to the Muscatine community and working with an amazing board that I've known since I was 13 years old competing for the Muscatine pageant my first year.

I have so many people to thank for getting me where I am today, but who I need to thank the most is God. He has gave me the gift of persistence and I know without that I wouldn't be where I am today. Through the twists and turns my life has been, God has been the support I've need to help me push through it. He is the one who has guided me to be involved with this amazing organization and to spread my believes to individuals around the Eastern side of Iowa.

I can not wait to include all of you on the journey I'm about to take as Miss Muscatine's Outstanding Teen! January 20 I will be making my first appearance with Miss Muscatine, Isabella Blaine, at a bridal expo here in Muscatine. Until then I will be singing my little heart out trying to find the perfect talent song. Something that I'll also be doing is making sure that I make the Muscatine community as proud of me as they can be. I have already gotten so many encouraging advice and wonderful praise from citizens that I'm constantly smiling from ear to ear.

Thank you for all of your love and support.

Your Miss Muscatine's Outstanding Teen 2013,
Anna Masengarb

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